'American Horror Story' Promo #11: It'll Have You In Stitches (Not the Good Kind)

'American Horror Story' Promo #11: It'll Have You In Stitches (Not the Good Kind) Bet you never thought you would be scared of a sewing machine, did you?

That's the beauty of "American Horror Story," though: it takes visuals and objects that you wouldn't normally think twice about, and turns them into the stuff of nightmares. Seriously, how many other shows can turn sewing into a horror convention in less than 10 seconds? And these are just the teasers!

This latest teaser, the 11th in the series of promos, Takes us to a brighter, less claustrophobic part of the asylum from what we've seen thus far. But that doesn't mean it's any less creepy: the shot centers on a sewing machine, running all by itself, then cuts to some very violent, loud close ups of the needle doing its repetitive stabbing.

Yep, it's a menacing sewing needle. You saw it here first.

Notice, though, how the first shot of the promo distorts a bit. You might not even notice it at first, but it's sure to throw you off even subliminally and make you uneasy before the big "boo!" hits.

Check out the "Stitches" teaser for "American Horror Story: Asylum" below: